ELIT Srl designs and manufactures 400Hz static frequency converters since 1987.
To complete the airfield range of products are available 28Vdc and 270Vdc power supplies, constant current regulating units (CCR) for ground lighting and control systems for commercial and military airports. All the equipment is distinguished by the use of technologically advanced components, reliability, and ease of maintenance.
400Hz Static Frequency Converter 5-45kVA FC400
The unit converts the input voltage at 50 / 60Hz to an output voltage (galvanically isolated from the input) at 400Hz; The output voltage is stabilized in voltage, frequency with quartz and low harmonic voltage.
The magnitude of the rectifier depends on the harmonic current that the network (THDi) is able to withstand: For strong networks (> 10Pn) THDi can be 25%, while for medium or weak networks THDi must be 10% up to 3%. The full-load cosphi varies from 0.95 to 0.98 depending on the chosen input magnetic configuration. The PWM modulated IGBT inverter supplies the voltage adaptation transformer, its output is fitted with a filter to contain the distortion within 2%
- Galvanic input / output isolation.
- Three-phase input voltage without neutral.
- High performance.
- High overload capacity.
- Analyzer with 128×112 pixel graphic LCD, touch-screen, harmonic analysis.
- Automatic voltage compensation (DLC) optional.
- Remote Point of Reaction (POR) (optional).
- Interlock with bypass option (optional).
- Remote control (optional).
- Emergency Power Off.
- UPS mode with battery (optional).
- 28Vcc additional module (optional).
- Power history (optional).
- RS485, RS232, SNMP and I / O communication interface (optional).
Il convertitore è provvisto di un display a cristalli liquidi retroilluminato, touch screen opzionalmente. La visualizzazione è suddivisa in quattro menù, accessibili con i relativi tasti di funzione.
Le principali misure sono:
tensione uscita (fase-fase, fase-neutro e neutro-terra), corrente uscita, corrente di neutro, potenza (attiva, reattiva ed apparente di fase e totali), contatore di energia attiva, reattiva, apparente.
In opzione, il pannello di controllo può indicare le seguenti misure aggiuntive, cosphi di fase e totale (opzionale), frequenza, distorsione armonica totale (THD) delle tensioni e delle correnti spettro armonico (opzionale), funzione di valore max (HIGH) e valore min. (LOW) per il rilevamento e la memorizzazione dei valori istantanei di tensione, corrente, potenze, P.F., Cos. e frequenza funzione di averaging, valori di picco (max demand) di potenza e corrente direzione del flusso delle potenze armoniche, contaore (totale e parziale, programmabili). Testi in 5 lingue (italiano, inglese, francese, spagnolo e portoghese).
Accuratezze misure per secondo IEC/EN 50470-3 (MID Classe B).
Segnalazioni luminose:
-presenza rete
-convertitore in funzione
-allarme riassuntivo.
The static frequency converters FC400 are provided with the following protections and controls:
- Input switch isolator with door lock
- Output switch isolator (optional output contactor)
- START / STOP converter buttons
- ON / OFF output buttons (optional)
- Local or Remote control selector (optional)
- ON / BYPASS interlock selector (optional)
- Voltage drop compensation max 8% (optional)
- LCD touchscreen display (optional)
- Remote command ON / OFF converter (optional)
- Optional interfaces SNMP, RS485, RS232, USB
CE Compliant.
MIL STD 704F: Aircraft Electric Power Characteristics
ISO 6858: Ground support electrical supplies.
EN 2282: Characteristics of aircraft electrical supplies –General requirements
EN 61000-6-2: Electromagnetic compatibility. Emission.
EN 61000-6-4: Electromagnetic compatibility. Immunity.
EN 13849-1: Safety of machinery – Safety-related parts of control systems.
DFS400 Specification for 400 Hz aircraft power
BS 2G 219: General requirements for ground support equipment.
SAE ARP 5015: Ground equipment 400 Hz ground power performance requirement.
Vengono fornite a richiesta configurazioni e caratteristiche personalizzate:
- Versione con antivibranti e/o dimensionipersonalizzate,
- Tropicalizzazione schede,
- Modulo aggiuntivo 28Vcc 200-400-600-800A,
- Tensioni e frequenze personalizzate.